Tutorial 5 - Taking it mobile: Android

Now, we’re going to take our application, and deploy it as an Android application.

The process of deploying an application to Android is very similar to the process for deploying as a desktop application. Briefcase handles installing dependencies for Android, including the Android SDK, the Android emulator, and a Java compiler.

Create an Android app and compile it

First, run the create command. This downloads an Android app template and adds your Python code to it.

(beeware-venv) $ briefcase create android

[helloworld] Generating application template...
Using app template: https://github.com/beeware/briefcase-android-gradle-template.git, branch v0.3.14

[helloworld] Installing support package...
No support package required.

[helloworld] Installing application code...
Installing src/helloworld... done

[helloworld] Installing requirements...
Writing requirements file... done

[helloworld] Installing application resources...

[helloworld] Removing unneeded app content...
Removing unneeded app bundle content... done

[helloworld] Created build/helloworld/android/gradle

When you run briefcase create android for the first time, Briefcase downloads a Java JDK, and the Android SDK. File sizes and download times can be considerable; this may take a while (10 minutes or longer, depending on the speed of your Internet connection). When the download has completed, you will be prompted to accept Google’s Android SDK license.

Once this completes, we’ll have a build\helloworld\android\gradle directory in our project, which will contain an Android project with a Gradle build configuration. This project will contain your application code, and a support package containing the Python interpreter.

We can then use Briefcase’s build command to compile this into an Android APK app file.

(beeware-venv) $ briefcase build android

[helloworld] Updating app metadata...
Setting main module... done

[helloworld] Building Android APK...
Starting a Gradle Daemon
28 actionable tasks: 17 executed, 11 up-to-date
Building... done

[helloworld] Built build/helloworld/android/gradle/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

Gradle may look stuck

During the briefcase build android step, Gradle (the Android platform build tool) will print CONFIGURING: 100%, and appear to be doing nothing. Don’t worry, it’s not stuck - it’s downloading more Android SDK components. Depending on your Internet connection speed, this may take another 10 minutes (or longer). This lag should only happen the very first time you run build; the tools are cached, and on your next build, the cached versions will be used.

Run the app on a virtual device

We’re now ready to run our application. You can use Briefcase’s run command to run the app on an Android device. Let’s start by running on an Android emulator.

To run your application, run briefcase run android. When you do this, you’ll be prompted with a list of devices that you could run the app on. The last item will always be an option to create a new Android emulator.

(beeware-venv) $ briefcase run android

Select device:

  1) Create a new Android emulator


We can now choose our desired device. Select the “Create a new Android emulator” option, and accept the default choice for the device name (beePhone).

Briefcase run will automatically boot the virtual device. When the device is booting, you will see the Android logo:

Android virtual device booting

Android virtual device booting

Once the device has finished booting, Briefcase will install your app on the device. You will briefly see a launcher screen:

Android virtual device fully started, on the launcher screen

Android virtual device fully started, on the launcher screen

The app will then start. You’ll see a splash screen while the app starts up:

App splash screen

App splash screen

The emulator didn’t start!

The Android emulator is a complex piece of software that relies on a number of hardware and operating system features - features that may not be available or enabled on older machines. If you experience any difficulties starting the Android emulator, consult the Requirements and recommendations section of the Android developer documentation.

The first time the app starts, it needs to unpack itself onto the device. This may take a few seconds. Once it’s unpacked, you’ll see the Android version of our desktop app:

App from Tutorial 2, fully launched

Demo app fully launched

If you fail to see your app launching, you may need to check your terminal where you ran briefcase run and look for any error messages.

In future, if you want to run on this device without using the menu, you can provide the emulator’s name to Briefcase, using briefcase run android -d @beePhone to run on the virtual device directly.

Run the app on a physical device

If you have a physical Android phone or tablet, you can connect it to your computer with a USB cable, and then use the Briefcase to target your physical device.

Android requires that you prepare your device before it can be used for development. You will need to make 2 changes to the options on your device:

  • Enable developer options

  • Enable USB debugging

Details on how to make these changes can be found in the Android developer documentation.

Once these steps have been completed, your device should appear in the list of available devices when you run briefcase run android.

(beeware-venv) $ briefcase run android

Select device:

  1) Pixel 3a (94ZZY0LNE8)
  2) @beePhone (emulator)
  3) Create a new Android emulator


Here we can see a new physical device with it’s serial number on the deployment list - in this case, a Pixel 3a. In the future, if you want to run on this device without using the menu, you can provide the phone’s serial number to Briefcase (in this case, briefcase run android -d 94ZZY0LNE8). This will run on the device directly, without prompting.

My device doesn’t appear!

If your device doesn’t appear on this list at all, either you haven’t enabled USB debugging, (or the device isn’t plugged in!).

If your device appears, but is listed as “Unknown device (not authorized for development)”, developer mode hasn’t been correctly enabled. Re-run the steps to enable developer options, and re-run briefcase run android.

Next steps

We’ve now got an application on our phone! Is there anywhere else we can deploy a BeeWare app? Turn to Tutorial 6 to find out…